Stokes Family Law PLLC

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Stokes Family Law PLLC

Opening hours

5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite 1520 (15th Floor)
Memphis, TN 38157
Our Booking PolicyThe Consultation Fee must be paid at the time of booking and is Non-Refundable! Please be sure that the appointment time works for you. No third parties may be present to protect attorney-client privilege.
Thank you for choosing Stokes Family Law!


In-Person Consultation


60 Mins - Pre-Pay In-Person Consultation

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$300

Virtual Zoom Consultation


60 Mins - Pre-Pay Virtual Consultation  

. Duration:1 hr··. Price:$175

30 Mins - Virtual Personal Injury Consultation  

. Duration:30 mins··. Price:Free



We are a law firm that handles cases such as Divorce, Adoptions, Custody and Visitation, Child Support, Bankruptcy, Wills, and Personal Injury. To learn more about this firm, please visit our website.
Consultations & Meetings: By Appointment Only

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